Smartlogistic pursues the design and implementation of an innovative intelligent logistics system for the integral and real-time management of warehouses, through a set of measures aimed at optimising the use of logistics resources, such as lorries and forklifts, and significantly improving stock control by eliminating stock breakages due to shipping failures and relocation of packages. To this end, we plan to develop pilot prototypes to test intelligent solutions based on AI and machine learning for dimensional control and optimisation of the lorry loading sequence, as well as incorporating new dynamic filtering solutions in wireless identification for stock traceability. All of this is integrated into a warehouse management software (WMS) package that manages and sends orders to guide warehouse staff.
Planned for Finsa's factories in Santiago de Compostela and Ourense, Smartlogistic is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the State Research Agency by the State Programme to Promote Scientific and Technical Research and its Transfer, of the 2021-2023 State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan covered by the Next Generation funds.
• Partners: Fundación Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia (GRADIANT)
• Start date: 01/10/2023
• Completion date: 30/09/2026
• Investment: €1,560,849
• Financing: €759,025.30 loan (Finsa), €761,875 grant (GRADIANT)
• File No.: CPP2022-009530