La Conexión - Finsa headquarters
How to turn a corporate headquarters into a true made-to-measure solution that represents the client's identity?
Architect Antón Varela and MRM Arquitectos explain why they resorted to natural wood veneer for Finsa's La Conexión
APPLICATION: Paneling, structures, decoration, furniture, floors...
PRODUCT: Finfloor, sructural, solid wood, real wood veneer...
- Santiago de Compostela
- 2017

Structure, skylights, paneling of walls and ceilings, sanitary cabins and furniture.

Structure, skylights, paneling of walls and ceilings, sanitary cabins and furniture.

Structure, skylights, paneling of walls and ceilings, sanitary cabins and furniture.

SuperPan® H Tech P5 E-Z

Compac Plus E-Z