We return to Interzum 26 years later with the perfect balance between Tech & Design
The stand is made up of an atelier and an art gallery where our 41 decorative innovations, a new “bio” board and a selection of Tech & Design products and services appear. In addition, Superpan Evo E-Z and the Infinite Tricoya Tex board will be nominated for the Interzum Awards, which value the best products from the international furniture and interior design supplier industry
That twenty years are nothing... After 26 years we return to Interzum, a biennial reference fair in furniture production and interior design. It is finally carried out in person after the 2019 break between May 9 and 12 in Cologne. We will be with a 327 m2 stand in which we propose a journey that connects the raw material with inspiration and innovation, in a perfect balance between the technical part and design -the Tech and Design divisions- where product innovations will play a fundamental role .
With this stand proposal, we value our role as a global provider of decorative solutions for the habitat with the offer of Tech, Design & Process solutions. This business architecture allows us to offer one of the most complete ranges on the market, since our products admit different processes and complements that represent added differential value.

Our stand at Interzum: from the atelier to the art gallery
The stand (located in hall 5.2 F010 G019) is made up of two different parts but connected at the same time: atelier and gallery. These are two spaces visible from the outside that symbolize the journey of the raw material until it becomes an applied product with different decorative finishes, where inspiration and innovation converge.
Atelier area: Tech Ranges
The atelier, a representation of a workshop, shows six work stations classified by product families. The following tables display both the technical characteristics and their possibilities, as well as the certifications held by each of these families:
- Superpan table: recycled and 100% recyclable board with wood fiber faces and agglomerated particle interior, perfect for furniture and interior design due to its technical qualities. Provides a variety of thicknesses and can be covered with a multitude of decorative options. At Interzum, Superpan Evo E-Z is presented, a new generation of board developed for applications with high surface demands.
- Infinite Tricoya table: wood fiber board with great durability and dimensional stability, suitable for outdoor use. The patented technology of acetylated wood allows the creation of this hygroscopic material, which captures and releases humidity from the environment with hardly any dimensional movement. Infinite Tricoya Tex will be another of the products that we nominate for the Interzum Awards.
- Colored boards: decorative wood fiber panels colored uniformly throughout their mass, made with water-based pigments and with a low formaldehyde emission. Their easy machining makes them ideal for interior design, furniture and technical solutions such as acoustic elements and mouldings.
- Thickness and density table: range of boards that cover thicknesses from 1.8 mm to 85 mm and a wide range of densities from the lightest products, which report minimum weight and maximum resistance, to the compact ones, with high physical-mechanical properties for applications demanding.
- Fireproof table: all solutions certified for reaction to fire on any type of support (particles, Superpan, fibers, compact or colored), with decorative coating and designed for all public spaces (hospitals, theaters, cinemas, hotels, offices, schools...).
- Process table: industrial transformation service adapted to the needs of the projects with which the processes of each client are optimized, including mechanization and specialized solutions for the kitchen (modules, countertops and fronts).

Zona Galería: 12 obras de arte a partir de 183 decorativos
El siguiente paso en este viaje se encuentra en la galería, donde se unen tecnología y diseño para completar una experiencia sensorial. Esta zona pretende ser, además, un área donde charlar, compartir y disfrutar de las sensaciones que este territorio creativo evoca.
En ella se exponen las siguientes doce piezas escultóricas, algunas de ellas colgantes y móviles, elaboradas con 183 soluciones en madera de distinto espesor, densidades y colores que se muestran en el atelier:
-Estanque conformado por Infinite Tricoya.
-Photocall de distintos colores y acabados de las 41 novedades decorativas de Finsa Design.
-Móvil de color a partir de unicolores de Duo y piezas de Fibracolour E-Z.
-Pódium de Paneles Texturizados donde se muestran las posibilades de las nueve texturas de esta familia, dos de ellas, Flute y Pirámide, nuevas.
-Pódium y móvil de acabados madera y materiales de las gamas Duo y Studio.
-Pódium de rechapados con presencia de Fibraform, Finflex, Fibranatur, Superpan y Studio Natur.
-Puzle de novedades en colores de gama Duo.
-Puzle de novedades en acanalados, la textura del momento para la que Finsa aporta soluciones en cuatro tipologías de producto: Studio, Studio Natur, Paneles Texturizados y mecanizados.
-Puzle del acabado Bolero, novedad de acabado a registro de Studio.
-Puzle de los acabados Fado y Blues, una pareja de texturas Studio, a registro y profunda, para crear un efecto total look.
-Puzle de superficies mate y brillo, donde los acabados antihuella Ideal Matt, Technical Matt y Top Glass Matt dialogan con las texturas brillo de Ideal Glow y Top Glass Glow.
-Puzle de acabados en madera, Atlas, Mesura, Boreal, Blues, Rock & Roll dan la bienvenida a la nueva textura Etna.
Gallery Zone: 12 works of art from 183 decorative surfaces and panels
The next step in this journey is in the gallery, where technology and design come together to complete a sensory experience. This area also aims to be an area where you can chat, share and enjoy the sensations that this creative territory evokes.
In it the following twelve sculptural pieces are exposed, some of them hanging and mobile, made with 183 solutions in wood of different thicknesses, densities and colors that are shown in the atelier:
- Pond made up of Infinite Tricoya.
- Photocall of different colors and finishes of the 41 decorative novelties of Finsa Design.
-Mobile of color from unicolors of Duo and pieces of Fibracolour E-Z.
- Textured Panels Podium where the possibilities of the nine textures of this family are shown, two of them, Flute and Pyramid, new.
- Podium and mobile with wood finishes and materials from the Duo and Studio ranges.
- Veneer podium with the presence of Fibraform, Finflex, Fibranatur, Superpan and Studio Natur.
- Novelties references puzzle in Duo range colors.
- Puzzle of novelties in grooved, the texture of the moment for which Finsa provides solutions in four types of product: Studio, Studio Natur, Textured and mechanized Panels.
- Puzzle of the Bolero finish, a novelty of the Studio register finish.
- Puzzle of the Fado and Blues finishes, a pair of Studio textures, register and deep, to create a total look effect.
- Puzzle of matt and gloss surfaces, where the anti-fingerprint finishes Ideal Matt, Technical Matt and Top Glass Matt dialogue with the gloss textures of Ideal Glow and Top Glass Glow.
- Puzzle with wood finishes, Atlas, Measure, Boreal, Blues, Rock & Roll welcome the new Etna texture.

41 novelties in designs and finishes
We will take advantage of Interzum to launch the 41 novelties between designs and finishes, in addition to presenting a new panel. These will be the innovations incorporated into eight product families:
13 designs and the Etna wood texture are added to the decorative surfaces of Duo. In the Studio textures, 13 designs and the Bolero (register finish) and Calypso (deep finish) textures. Studio Natur, the board covered with wood veneer, will have three new grooved-type veneers. Technical Matt, the range of anti-fingerprint matt finishes specially designed for intensive horizontal use, will offer the unicolor Sunset Terracota. Topglass, a board that simulates the optical effect of glass, will add the color black in two finishes (Glow and Matt). Lastly, the textured ranges will be updated as follows: five novelties in Infinite Tricoya Tex, two in Fibracolour Tex and two in Fibrapan Tex.
New board: Fibrapan Bio
As for the new addition to the board offer, we launched Fibrapan Bio. It is a wood fiber board from proximity to PEFC and FSC certified forests. It is made with adhesives of 100% biological origin obtained from the bark of the tree itself and with a paraffin of vegetable origin. Said procedure makes it possible to obtain a wooden board composed of natural elements above 99%. It has great dimensional stability, is suitable for applications in humid environments and is manufactured with formaldehyde-free (NAF) resins.