We bring workspitality to the Salone del Mobile in Milan
For the fifth consecutive year, we participated in the Salone del Mobile in Milan, presenting a workspitality concept made entirely of wood solutions and through a program of talks and debates
“The aroma of fresh wood”, “a book waiting to be leafed through…” This is how the architecture studio 967arch defines our space at the Headquarters of the Milan Order of Architects within the Salone del Mobile 2023 (from 17 to 23 April).
For this global design event, in which we have been actively participating since 2017, we have a practical proposal in which we show the different spaces that make up a workspitality environment: Il Senso di Finsa per il Legno. In turn, we organize a series of talks, debates, round tables and collaborations with the Foundation of the Order of Architects of Milan.

Workspitality: hotel and world of work in the same space
The Il Senso di Finsa by il Legno workspitality is made up of the Welcome, Gathering, Meetings, Desktop and Chat rooms, and they constitute the distinctive elements of this type of habitat, where leisure and work uses are combined. The spaces designed by 967arch create a welcoming atmosphere and encourage active participation through two different areas, interior and exterior. The presence of wood is, in turn, a constant in various forms: panels, decorative surfaces, outdoor furniture, indoor and outdoor floors, structures and facades.
In addition to these rooms, the outdoor area of the Via Solferino building houses a Patio that serves as a gateway to Finsa, where visitors can relax both indoors and outdoors. In this corner of the heart of the city, the vertical gardens made with Vp Modulo Thermopine, an industrialized façade system of plant modules and heat-treated wood, the result of a co-development between Savia and Verde Profilo, are displayed. Also on display is the Orixe modular outdoor furniture, conceived by Stone Designs and manufactured by Savia, Finsa's solid wood brand, and the Gradpanel Thermopine System, the result of collaboration between Savia and Gradhermetic, made from a 100x42 Thermopine profile, that allows designing latticework throughout the building envelope. These solutions offer, thanks to their modularity, the flexibility of use in any workspitality environment.
Future Laboratory: talks and debates
The Salone del Mobile 2023 presented us with the Future Laboratory challenge. This encouragement encouraged us to prepare a program of talks and debates by and for architecture, interior design and industrial design professionals. The contents are based on the precepts of the European Climate Pact and address urgent and current issues of industrialization, decarbonization and digitization, with the aim of proposing innovative design models. Take note of the following events:
• Two daily events at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. that delve into the reduction of the environmental impact of buildings, the reuse and circular materials and the new housing scenarios (build to rent, senior living and coliving). The new challenges in hospitality and the world of offices are also present, where fluid and hybrid spaces (where you can work, eat, rest and much more) are increasingly widespread. Finally, coworking scenarios have a place encompassing other types of real estate assets within the residential area. Among the speakers are José Aguilar, from Agvar Arquitectos, Daniel Ibáñez, director of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), and Sergio Baragaño, founder of the start-up ROOM 2030.
• On April 20, at 6:00 p.m., there will be an Italian colloquium moderated by the writer and television journalist Giorgio Tartaro. Part of this table is Cesare Chichi, from 967arch, Aldo Parisotto, from Parisotto + Formenton Architetti, and the architects Paolo Mauri and Michele Rossi, from Park Associati. They will explain their construction techniques and the use of wood in projects, highlighting aspects of technological innovation related to the contemporary uses of this raw material.

The design of our participation in the Salone del Mobile is based on the 967arch studio, specialized in this type of flexible workspitality projects that have been a trend since 2019. Its professionals are authors of works that promoted change methodologies for companies such as HP or Google .

El diseño de nuestra participación en el Salone del Mobile parte del estudio 967arch, especializado en este tipo de proyectos flexibles de workspitality que son tendencia desde 2019. Sus profesionales son autores de obras que impulsaron metodologías de cambio para empresas de la talla de HP o Google.